Meatballs ~ Grape Jelly & Chilli Sauce
I started by using over a cup of sourdough bread, torn and soaked in cream (just enough to get it all absorbed). Use a fork to break it down. I used 2 packages of lean ground beef and one package of lean ground pork. I spread it out on a cookie sheet to mix together. That worked way better than my usual mix a bowl method!! Season the meat with salt and pepper, nutmeg and cardamom. I sauteed 1/2 a sweet onion with about 5 cloves of garlic, both finely chopped. Let it cool a bit. Add the soaked bread on top of the meat, beat 2 eggs, add on top of the meat mixture, then add the onion and garlic. Combine. I used an ice cream scoop to make the balls. I froze half on the cookie sheet then put in freezer bags and baked the rest at 350 for about 30 minutes. Add to equal parts of concord jelly and chilli sauce. Bake on 250 for as long as you like. I did mine about 45 minutes and took the lid off half way through to let the sauce thicken a bit. You can also use a can of cranberries…
I make meatballs from beef. I brown them the put them in a crock pot with a jar or two of chilli sauce and 4-8 oz. Of grape jelly. I never have any left over. You can also use frozen meatballs, and your crockpot!