Dutch Baby
A breakfast treat that’s sure to impress!!
This is a huge hit at our house!
Never had one? It’s like a cross between a huge pancake and, well… Yorkshire Pudding. (No not really)
Ingredients should be room temperature.
Take all of your frustrations out on the Dutch Baby batter. Beat it till you can’t beat it anymore. Pour it into a HOT pan that’s been preheating in your oven.
Can you put it in a blender? Yes! But the old-fashioned way is way more fun!
Beat the ingredients one at a time with a whisk starting with the eggs.
Heat your 10″ Cast Iron frying pan in the oven with 2-3 tablespoons of butter. Make sure to take it out when the butter has melted and get the butter around the edges of your pan, right up to the top without spilling over and burning yourself.
****Don’t let your butter burn****
If the pan is hot before your batter is ready, take it out of the oven. This is a good time to skim the foam off the top of the butter. You don’t have to, but it makes clarified butter when you do this and makes you feel like a pro!
If your butter does burn, it will turn brown. Take the pan out of the oven, wipe out the butter with a paper towel on the end of some tongs, make sure there is no more brown butter in there and put new butter in. Back in the over it goes to get that pan hot again.
Pour the batter into the piping hot pan. It’s liquid so be careful getting it back into the oven. Hold the skillet by both ends.
Turn the oven light on and sit on the floor so you can watch it rise! Seriously, the whole family can watch! It’s not in there for long, and you will think it’s going to rise right out of the pan. Enjoy the show because as soon as you take it out, it’s going to fall! Smother it with all the goodies, maple syrup, a dusting of icing sugar and yes, a bit of lemon juice.
Get creative, use real fruit or jam, ice cream, crumbled bacon, or like me… just eat it! It’s yummy!
See Original Dutch Baby Recipe here.
Notes from others:
What not to do…
Whoops, added blueberries to melted butter, then added batter. Blueberries swam to the edge of the pan, and as it started to rise, blueberries started jumping overboard onto the floor of the oven. All of those sad little-burnt blueberries – I’m sure I will remember them for months. Every time I turn the over on.
What to do…
I find that if I whisk by hand all ingredients except the milk, until smooth, and then whisk while slowly adding the milk, I get a lot more poof in the pan. This is an old trick I learned for making puffier English Yorkshire Pudding


I’ll be making these tomorrow! Looks delicious.
How did your Dutch Baby turn out Shannyn?
Hi , I don’t know how Shannon’s Dutch baby turned out but I made one after having an amazing (and my first) Dutch baby at a wonderful restaurant. I found your recipe to be straight forward and it sounded perfect !!! Well, I made mine as a surprise for my husband and I because I told him how delicious the one I bought was. I made, it came out perfectly and I ate it….All !!! Oops !!! So flipping good . Better than the restaurant. I never did tell my husband I made it. I cleaned up the kitchen and my husband ate raisin bran 😂 Shhhh….Thanks for the perfect recipe !
Melisa H