Homemade Pasta
Greg and I ate EVERYTHING. Embarrassing yes, there was enough there to feed 4 people, but hey, it was excellent if I do say so myself! I didn’t roll it as thin as I could have, but we actually liked it a bit thicker. It took exactly 4 minutes to cook, before transferring to the copper skillet to make the Pasta with Cream Sauce and Sausage! Thank you Tasty 101 for the best video instructions!
2 cups ’00’ flour
3 eggs plus 5 egg yolks
Pinch of salt
1 TSP olive oil
Make a big moat with flour, combine the eggs, oil and salt, pour in and beat lightly with a fork, slowly bringing the flour into the egg. Once it’s got enough flour to handle, bring it together, set your timer and start kneading. I took 10 minutes doing this, and used the ‘heart’ method… fun fun fun!!